Outdoor bar plans and designs for your maximum relaxation and chilling

You do not need to live in Brazil or the Caribbean to be able to drink coconut natural water ou sip listen to a tropical music. Right in your home, we make it possible for you to have the best outdoor bar plan and design for your maximum relaxation and chilling.

When it comes to open bars, attention has to be paid on the type of materials being used to ensure long lasting and wind and moisture or rain resistant wood and materials. The chairs to used have to be put into consideration, an open bar with a canopy or a full wooden roof need different types of chairs to fit the ambient and give maximum comfort and enjoyment.

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We provide a wide range of outdoor bars readily available for construction in your house. Are you worried about lack of space? Never panic, we have the perfect solution for you. As our products and services represent the essence of our business, we define our services with quality and efficiency. Here are some of the quality products you will get here with to construct the beautiful outdoor bar you have always dreamt of.


Our products are made from some of the finest woods in the planet. As our banner is quality and satisfaction, we at IKEA provide you with finished bar samples for you to choose, and in addition, we guarantee our products for durability.

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Any outdoor bar design is incomplete without seats, tables and chairs. Whether you love a huge service attendance bar made out of quality wood, or just a small sized bar for a small family, we have all you need. Choice seats either made of metal or wood to suit the conditions and kind of environment and bar you choose. The wooden articles can be painted according to your choice, or you can choose to maintain the shiny beautiful wooden lustre.

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